Finding Peace in His Presence
We can’t afford to be without peace.
The weight of the world feels heavy for those of us living in turmoil or scrolling through social media that highlights the chaos.
We see division. Hatred. Discrimination. Pain. Loss. Defeat.
It’s easy—and frankly understandable—to let the burden of such brokenness overwhelm our minds with worry.
What will happen to my country?
What kind of world am I bringing my child into?
What if my loved one(s) get sick?
“Shifting our mindset to trust in His Word and exercising wisdom in our reactions enables us to find true peace.”
“Between stimulus and response lies a space. In that space lies our power to choose our response.” - Viktor Frankl
Our current stimuli are the situations unfolding before us: headline news, confrontations between loved ones and strangers, and days that don’t go according to plan.
While we can’t control what happens to us, we can control how we respond. We have the power to choose our reactions. Don’t allow yourself to succumb to an anxious heart and mind. Avoid choosing responses that only contribute to further turmoil and chaos.
Choose joy. Choose peace.
Choose Jesus.
Hold tight to the truth that, in everything, He’s got this.
We are instructed not to worry because He has a plan for our good and His glory (Matthew 6:25-33, Romans 8:28).
Scripture teaches us that we have free will to make genuine choices while God remains sovereign over it all. Nothing happens by chance or fate. Just as a king has the authority to rule over his kingdom, his subjects have the freedom to make their daily choices. This can be a challenging truth to grasp, which is why faith is essential.
Faith that, no matter what we decide, He’s got this.
While we have the power to choose our responses, we also have the opportunity to walk in faith by trusting His sovereignty. Shifting our mindset to trust in His Word and exercising wisdom in our reactions enables us to find true peace. He calls us to abide in Him daily because He is the only one who can bring perfect peace.
When you find yourself in a space that needs peace, tune out the overwhelming clamor of the world and focus on His presence: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” - Philippians 4:6
Through prayer, we can earnestly and humbly request peace amid turmoil. We can seek wisdom and discernment to distinguish truth from lies.
He is there, waiting. All you need to do is seek Him. How?
Pray. Read the Word.
He has laid out the blueprints for you on how to fight your battles. You just have to take action.
With you in seeking peace,